

Effects of acIdıc/alcoholıc beverages on the surface roughness of composıte resıns lıght-cured for two dıfferent perıods of tıme

DOI: https://doi.org/10.25241/stomaeduj.2019.6(4).art.1


Introduction The purpose of this study was to evaluate the surface roughness values of various resin-based composites (RBC) regarding exposure time and immersion in alcoholic and acidic beverages.

Methodology A total of 240 disc-shaped specimens (8 mm x 2 mm) were prepared from two microhybrid, one nanofilled and one nanohybrid RBC. Specimens were divided into two groups, according to the exposure time; 20 or 40 seconds and immersed for 10 min/day during one month in either non-alcoholic (Coca Cola), alcoholic (red wine) beverages, or distilled water (n=10). Surface roughness was measured after 24 hours, one week, and one month. Results were analyzed statistically using parametric and nonparametric test.
Results The roughness values (Ra) measured at 1-month immersion were signi-ficantly higher than those measured at 24 hours. There was no statistically significant difference due to exposure time (20 or 40 seconds) (p>0.05). Structure of RBC, and presence of alcohol, and phosphoric acid in the immersion solutions caused a statistically significant difference among baseline and 1-month immersion intervals (p<0.05). Among all RBCs, lowest Ra was observed in the microhybrid RBC Charisma Classic group.
Conclusion Immersion in both acidic and alcoholic beverages altered the surfaces of all RBCs and generated significant surface roughness changes. All analyzed RBCs showed unacceptable changes in surface roughness.

Resin-based composites; Exposure time; Surface roughness; Aging.


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