10.25241/stomaeduj.2020.7(1).art.2 -abstract


Arrest of early carious lesions after professional application of different fluoride agents

DOI: https://doi.org/10.25241/stomaeduj.2020.7(1).art.2



Objective To compare the effectiveness of three professionally applied fluoride agents in arresting early carious lesions in young permanent teeth.
Methods A quasi-experimental study was performed. Eligible population: School-children aged 5-7 years presenting at least one permanent molar with early active carious lesion.
Sample: 107 dental surfaces with early occlusal carious lesions (lesion code=1-2; activity code=2 -ICDAS II criteria-). Study design: (1) Baseline diagnosis, performed by 2 researchers (Kappa inter-observer: 0.8). (2) Application of a protocol for cariogenic infection control. (3) Participant assignment to groups: matched according to complexity of treatment needs at baseline: Group 1(G1) 5% NaF varnish Duraphat® (n=53); Group 2 (G2) 5% NaF varnish containing β-TCP tricalcium phosphate (n=33) Clinpro White Varnish®; Group 3 (G3) resin-modified glass ionomer cement varnish Clinpro XT Varnish® (n=19). (4) Single professional application of a fluoride agent. (5) Caries assessment 1 year post-treatment. Statistical analysis. The frequency of (a) early caries lesion remineralization one year post-treatment and (b) carious lesions that remained active but showed no progression 1 year post-treatment were calculated. Chi-Square and proportion comparison tests for independent samples were used to evaluate differences among groups.
Results Proportion of arrested lesions 1-year post treatment: G1=54.5%, G2=43.4%, G3=47.4%. No statistical difference was found among groups (p< 0.05). Proportion of lesions remaining active at 1 year showing no caries progression: G1=69%, G2=80%, G3=100%. No statistical difference was found among groups (p< 0.05).
Conclusion The three professionally applied fluoride agents showed similar effectiveness in arresting early carious lesions in young permanent teeth 1 year post-application.
Tooth Remineralization; Fluoride Varnishes; Caries Arrest; Preventive Dentistry; Topical Fluorides.