STOMATOLOGY EDU JOURNAL 2020, Volume 7, Issue 2
Dental team engagement and motivation in Post-Covid-19 time
Suggestions for a quick safely recovered daily routine
Dear readers,
According to guidelines and specific national conditions, dentists are getting ready to restart their clinical activities; everybody has updated safety protocols to protect ourselves, our teams and obviously our patients from contagion risk and cross infections.
However we have to face an underestimated risk and this could undermine all our efforts: the correct implementation of every protocol, especially if safety-related, requires a global care and an high level of mental focus by the professionals involved […]
Mario R. Cappellin
Entry-level survival in a post-crisis world
Dear readers,
Every major crisis is an opportunity to either perish or be successful. Not in the least for medical and dental journals. Journals see their advertising revenues plummeting. At the same time digitization offers relief. Zoom meetings replace physical meetings and are an excellent opportunity for a journal editorial board to have regular meetings despite their international membership. Now that even top-journals have accepted to pre-publish manuscripts before peer-review and to allow all peers publicly scrutinize the submission an irreversible new way of peer-reviewing has entered the scene: crowd-reviewing by peers […]
Constantinus Politis
Prevotella species – the most prevalent black-pigmented anaerobic bacteria among oropharyngeal isolates obtained from a sample of healthy young adults
The oropharynx comprises the palatine tonsils, tongue base, soft palate and posterior pharyngeal wall and is lined by a nonkeratinized stratified squamous epithelium [1]. The oropharynx mucosa comes in contact with saliva and nasopharyngeal secretion. The oropharynx microbiota is complex and comprises hundreds of microbial species […]
Citation: Băncescu G, Sfetcu L, Didilescu AC, Băncescu AA. Prevotella species – the most prevalent black-pigmented anaerobic bacteria among oropharyngeal isolates obtained from a sample of healthy young adults. Stoma Edu J. 2020;7(2):87-93
Dental findings of persons with osteogenesis imperfecta in Vietnam
Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) is the collective term for a heterogeneous group of connective tissue syndromes. Seventeen mutated genes have been found related to OI syndromes [1,2]. The mutation incidence varies in different populations from 1/20,000 to 1/10,000 OI cases [3–5]. The clinical classification of OI includes five types (type I–V) [2,6]. Type I is a mild phenotype with dominantly inherited OI and blue sclerae; type II is related to perinatal lethality; type III results in progressive deformity throughout the lifespan; type IV is similar to type I, but sclerae are normal; and type V has mesh-like bone appearance […]
Citation: Nguyen MS, Saag M, Duy BH, Maasalu K, Kõks S, Märtson A, Le TT, Jagomägi T. Dental findings of persons with osteogenesis imperfecta in Vietnam. Stoma Edu J. 2020;7(2):94-101
Minh Son Nguyen: ORCIDiD | Publons | ResearchGate | PubMed | Google Scholar | Scopus | WoS
Mare Saag: ResearchGate | PubMed | Google Scholar
Ho Duy Binh: ORCIDiD
Katre Maasalu: ORCIDiD
Sulev Kõks: ORCIDiD
Aare Märtson: ORCIDiD
Thi Thuy Le
Triin Jagomägi: ORCIDiD ResearchGate
Is there an age limit for implant dentistry?
The growing numbers of population ≥ 65 years [1] offer an important challenge for the dental profes-sion. Implant dentistry has a major contribution to improving life quality [2-4]. Aging may compromise implant survival due to compromised wound healing [5,6]. The proliferative phase of healing is prolonged due to reduced numbers of stem cells [6]. A study in a rat model demonstrated that the younger group achieved good bone contact faster than the older one. The results suggested that the rate and volume of new bone formation around implants decrease with age […]
Citation: Masri D, Chaushu L, Nissan J, Naishlos SA, Chaushu G. Is there an age limit for implant dentistry? Stoma Edu J. 2020;7(2):102-107
Daya Masri: ORCIDiD
Liat Chaushu: ORCIDiD | ResearchGate | CrossRef | PubMed | Google Scholar
Joseph Nissan: ORCIDiD | ResearchGate | PubMed | Google Scholar
Sarit Adriana Naishlos: ORCIDiD
Gavriel Chaushu: ORCIDiD | Publons | ResearchGate | CrossRef | PubMed | Google Scholar | WoS
Unclarities about articaine: contraindications
Articaine is a dental local anesthetic of the amide group. It is the only anesthetic specifically developed for use in dentistry. It was first synthesized in 1969 when it was still referred to as carticaine. Its name changed to articaine in 1976 when it reached the markets in Germany [1]. In the following years, articaine got approval for clinical use around the world and has steadily become increasingly popular. It is the second most used dental local anesthetic in the United States with a market share of 39,3% in 2018 (the most popular still being lidocaine, the golden standard in local anesthetics) […]
Citation: de Ridder N, Politis C. Unclarities about articaine: contraindications. Stoma Edu J. 2020;7(2):109-116.
Nicolas de Ridder: ORCIDiD | Publons | ResearchGate
Constantinus Politis: ORCIDiD | Publons | ResearchGate | CrossRef | PubMed | Google Scholar | Scopus | WoS
Stress and inflammation in periodontal disease: a review of the basic biological mechanisms
Periodontitis is a chronic inflammatory condition affecting the supporting tissues of the teeth, which results in loss of connective tissue and bone support and is a major cause of tooth loss in adults [1]. The advanced form of the disease affects a smaller part of the adult population, around 7% to 15% [2] while milder to moderate forms of the disease are found in approximately 50% of the population [3]. Its etiopathogenicity is complex with many factors interplaying, and due to this dynamic interrelated play, no isolated factor could solely explain the tissue destruction phenomenon […]
Citation: Madhi O, Budina R, Rumano B. Stress and inflammation in periodontal disease: a review of the basic biological mechanisms. Stoma Edu J. 2020;7(2):117-122
Oriola Madhi: ORCIDiD | Publons | ResearchGate | Google Scholar
Rozarka Budina: ORCIDiD | Publons | ResearchGate | Google Scholar
Blerta Rumano: ORCIDiD | Publons | Google Scholar
Trend of scientific production on digital implant dentistry (1990-2019): a bibliometric study
Compared to the era of the introduction of dental implants in the 1960s, implant therapy is now highly predictable and has become a widely used treatment modality to replace missing dentition [1]. Along with the continuous technological progress in the treatment planning software, computer-aided design (CAD), and computer-assisted manufacturing technology (CAM), a strong digitalization trend in implant dental medicine is noticed in clinical practice [2]. Evolving from being a merely “surgically driven” to a […]
Citation: Chen Z, Li J, Lin CY, Wang HL. Trend of scientific production on digital implant dentistry (1990-2019): a bibliometric study. Stoma Edu J. 2020;7(2):123-130.
Zhaozhao Chen: ORCIDiD | Publons | ResearchGate | PubMed | Google Scholar | WoS
Junying Li: ORCIDiD | Publons | ResearchGate | PubMed
Cho-Ying Lin: ORCIDiD | Publons | ResearchGate | PubMed | Google Scholar | WoS
Hom-Lay Wang: ORCIDiD | Publons | ResearchGate | CrossRef | PubMed | Google Scholar | WoS
Barriers to good oral health for nursing home residents: a literature review
Oral diseases are a major global public health problem affecting individuals, communities, and the society as a whole, as over 3,5 billion people face chronic and progressive oral diseases [1]. Older adults who reside in nursing homes are a particularly vulnerable part of the population with high rates of oral diseases. Neglected oral health has severe consequences for the residents’ general health and quality of life and has been associated with increased risk for aspiration pneumonia, diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular diseases and malnutrition […]
Citation: Konstantopoulou K, Kossioni A, Karkazis H, Polyzois G. Barriers to good oral health for nursing home residents: a literature review. Stoma Edu J. 2020;7(2):131-137
Kalliopi Konstantopoulou: ORCIDiD | Publons | ResearchGate
Anastassia Kossioni: ORCIDiD | Publons | ResearchGate | PubMed | Google Scholar | Scopus | WoS
Hercules Karkazis: ORCIDiD | Publons | ResearchGate | PubMed | Google Scholar | Scopus
Gregory Polyzoisi: ORCIDiD | Publons | ResearchGate | PubMed | Google Scholar | Scopus | WoS
Your reliable support in oral surgery: PIEZOSURGERY® touch by Mectron
The experience gained in using a piezosurgery device for several interventions on rabbits in a research study for the University of Hadassah in Jerusalem, Israel, makes me come back to you on piezosurgery. I have decided to present to you a new piezosurgery device, produced by the well-known company Mectron S.P.A. […]
Florin-Eugen Constantinescu
DMD, PhD Student
Editorial Director, Product News

Basal Implantology
Gérard M. Scortecci

Leadership and Communication in Dentistry
Joseph P. Graskemper

Neurotoxins and Fillers in Facial Esthetic Surgery
Bradford M. Towne, Pushkar Mehra

Manual of Temporomandibular Disorders
Edward F. Wright, Gary D. Klasser

Atlas of Immediate Dental Implant Loading
Miguel Peñarrocha-Diago, Ugo Covani, Luis Cuadrado

General Medicine and Surgery for Dental Practitioners
Mark Greenwood, John G. Meechan

Management of Dental Emergencies in Children and Adolescents
Klaus W. Neuhaus, Adrian Lussi