STOMATOLOGY EDU JOURNAL 2020, Volume 7, Issue 3
The lure of interdisciplinary orthodontics
Dear readers,
For 20 years I have been passionate about interdisciplinary collaboration between different specialties in dentistry and orthodontics. My doctoral studies, extensive research, publications, conferences, monographs have focused on interdisciplinary orthodontics and most of my daily clinical work as an orthodontist is dedicated to these interdiciplinary cases.
At first, few believed in this concept: my orthodontist colleagues were distrustful of the possibilities of adult orthodontics, periodontists did not believe that teeth with bone loss have an…„orthodontic future”, prosthodontists were used to „straightening” teeth prosthodontically, while implantology was not […]
Alexandru Simion Ogodescu
Cytotoxicity of indirect restorative materials on fibroblast cells: in-vitro study
In parallel with the improvements in dental technology and material science, innovative materials are being developed to be used in fixed prosthetic restorations, which are in direct contact with bone, connective tissue or oral epithelium. Dental casting alloys that play an important role in restorative dentistry are widely used as restorative materials in dental applications […]
Citation: Atay A, Bozok Cetintas V, Guneri P, Becerikli Kivrak B, Cal E. Cytotoxicity of indirect restorative materials on fibroblast cells: in-vitro study. Stoma Edu J. 2020;7(3):155-162.
Ayşe Atay: ORCIDiD | ResearchGate | PubMed | Google Scholar
Vildan Bozok Çetintaş: ORCIDiD | Publons | ResearchGate | PubMed | Google Scholar | WoS
Pelin Guneri: ORCIDiD | ResearchGate | PubMed | Google Scholar
Beste Becerikli Kivrak: ORCIDiD
Ebru Cal: ORCIDiD | ResearchGate | PubMed
Influence of the COVID-19 pandemic on dental practice: why measures should be taken – the experience of an European University Hospital (part 1)
After the outbreak of COVID-19 in Wuhan, China, the virus spread to the rest of the world and on March 11th, 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic was formalized by the World Health Organization. On March 18th 2020, the lock-down was decreed in Belgium and many dental practices decided to carry out only urgent treatments. A gradual reopening from 18.5.2020 was again possible […]
Citation: Politis C, Schuermans A, Lagrou K, Vande Putte M, Kruth JP. IInfluence of the COVID-19 pandemic on dental practice: why measures should be taken – the experience of an European University Hospital (part 1). Stoma Edu J. 2020;7(3):163-174.
Constantinus Politis: ORCIDiD | ResearchGate | PubMed | Google Scholar | Scopus
Annette Schuermans: ORCIDiD | PubMed | Google Scholar | Scopus
Katrien Lagrou: ORCIDiD | ResearchGate | PubMed | Google Scholar | Scopus
Mia Vande Putte: ORCIDiD | PubMed | Scopus
Jean-Pierre Kruth: ORCIDiD |ResearchGate | PubMed | Google Scholar | Scopus
Knowledge about dentin hypersensitivity: A questionnaire-based survey among dental students and young dentists
Dentin hypersensitivity (DH) is a condition that has often been encountered in dental practice in recent decades [1–3], however, the historical reporting of this symptomatology goes as far back as the 16th century [4,5]. Holland et al. [6] described this pathology as a short, sharp pain arising when dentin is exposed to different stimuli (typically thermal, evaporative, tactile, osmotic or chemical) and the […]
Citation: Bologa E, Stoleriu S, Ghiorghe AC, Pancu G, Nica I, Andrian S. Knowledge about dentin hypersensitivity: a questionnaire-based survey among dental students and young dentists. Stoma Edu J. 2020;7(3):175-183.
Emilia Bologa: ORCIDiD | Publons | ResearchGate | Google Scholar | Scopus | WoS
Simona Stoleriu: ORCIDiD | ResearchGate | PubMed | Google Scholar | Scopus
Angela Cristina Ghiorghe: ORCIDiD | ResearchGate | Google Scholar | Scopus
Galina Pancu: ORCIDiD | Publons | ResearchGate | PubMed | Google Scholar | Scopus | WoS
Irina Nica: ORCIDiD | Publons | ResearchGate | Google Scholar | WoS
Sorin Andrian: ORCIDiD | ResearchGate | Google Scholar | Scopus
Evaluation of upper arch changes in patients with unilateral cleft lip and palate after maxillary expansion using digital dental casts
Cleft Lip and Palate (CLP) is one of the most common types of congenital craniofacial birth anomalies due to environmental, genetic and epigenetic risk factors interacting among them [1-3]. They can occur between the fourth and twelfth week of gestation due to the failure of fusion between the medial nasal and maxillary processes in the primary palate or the palatal units in the secondary palate […]
Citation: d’Apuzzo F, Nucci L, Jamilian A, Rullo R, Grassia V, Perillo L., Evaluation of upper arch changes in patients with unilateral cleft lip and palate after maxillary expansion using digital dental casts. Stoma Edu J. 2020;7(3):184-190.
Fabrizia d’Apuzzo: ORCIDiD | Publons | ResearchGate | PubMed | Google Scholar | WoS
Ludovica Nucci: ORCIDiD | Publons | ResearchGate | PubMed | Google Scholar | | WoS
Abdolreza Jamilian: ORCIDiD | ResearchGate | PubMed | Google Scholar
Rosario Rullo: ORCIDiD | PubMed
Vincenzo Grassia: ORCIDiD | ResearchGate | PubMed
Letizia Perillo: ORCIDiD | ResearchGate | PubMed
Unmet dental treatment need impairs quality of life in Hepatitis C Virus-infected patients
The hepatitis C (HCV) viral infection affects 175 million subjects over the world, that is, 3% of its population; and, three millions of new infections are reported each year [1]. Chronic liver pathology consequent to HCV has been reported in eighty percent of the infected patients. If no treatment is administered, close to 25% of patients progresses to liver cirrhosis [2]. Once cirrhosis has been diagnosed […]
Citation: Farias MA, Medici SA, Squassi AF, Sánchez GA. Unmet dental treatment need impairs quality of life in Hepatitis C Virus-infected patients. Stoma Edu J. 2020;7(3):191-196
Miguel Angel Farias: ORCIDiD | Publons | ResearchGate | WoS
Silvia Andrea Medici: ORCIDiD | Publons | WoS
Aldo Fabián Squassi: ORCIDiD | Publons | ResearchGate | PubMed | Google Scholar | Scopus | WoS
Gabriel Antonio Sánchez: ORCIDiD | Publons | ResearchGate | PubMed | WoS
- Occlusion and TMJ
The influence of occlusion on masticatory efficiency considering relevant influencing factors
The aim of a masticatory process is to comminute food as homogeneously as possible, to moisten the food bolus with saliva and to prepare it for swallowing. The principle of the mechanical proce-ssing of food is found in all mammals, including humans. From an evolutionary perspective, it is an advantage to comminute food prior to digestion in the gastrointestinal tract […]
Citation: Slavicek G. The influence of occlusion on masticatory efficiency considering relevant influencing factors. Stoma Edu J. 2020;7(3):197-207
Gregor Slavicek: ORCIDiD | Publons | ResearchGate | PubMed | Google Scholar | Scopus | WoS
Returning to the orthodontic practice amid COVID-19 crisis
The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a clinical syndrome caused by the novel Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), a pathogen closely related to the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (SARS-CoV) and Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Related Coronavirus (MERS-CoV). SARS-CoV-2 mainly attacks the respiratory system, due to its affinity to angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) cell receptor, highly expressed in the lungs and the heart […]
Citation: Perillo L, Nucci L, Yitschaky O, Carrino G, Carrino R, Chaushu S. Returning to the orthodontic practice amid COVID-19 crisis. Stoma Edu J. 2020;7(2):209-215.
Letizia Perillo: ORCIDiD | ResearchGate | PubMed | Google Scholar | Scopus
Ludovica Nucci: ORCIDiD | Publons | ResearchGate | PubMed | Google Scholar | Scopus | WoS
Oded Yitschaky: ORCIDiD | ResearchGate | PubMed | Google Scholar
Gennaro Carrino: ORCIDiD | Publons | ResearchGate | PubMed | Google Scholar | WoS
Rossella Carrino: ORCIDiD | Publons | ResearchGate | PubMed | Google Scholar | WoS
Stella Chaushu: ORCIDiD | Publons | ResearchGate | PubMed | Google Scholar | WoS
Degranulation kit by Strauss & Co: ensuring optimal mechanical debridement of the inflammatory tissue
In dentistry, over time, various practitioners have introduced various tool kits bearing their name to have a more ergonomic therapeutic act. Thus, in my own practice I have successfully used a series of tool kits, such as: the kit for preparing the contour of the prosthetic reconstructions of Prof. Mario Martignoni, TDA Kit Martignoni […]
Florin-Eugen Constantinescu
DMD, PhD Student
Editorial Director, Product News

Advances in Esthetic Implant Dentistry
Abdelsalam Elaskary

Levison’s Textbook for Dental Nurses
Carole Hollins

Dental Reception and Supervisory Management
Glenys Bridges

Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology: A Diagnostic Approach
David MacDonald

Dental Management of the Pregnant Patient
Christos A. Skouteris

Basic Guide to Dental Sedation Nursing
Nicola Rogers